
Monday 4 March 2024

What's REALLY Going on?


Greetings Final Leg family! I'm sure all of you are pretty much starved for information regarding our Final Leg, which is now LESS THAN A YEAR AWAY! Holy Cow! Well, that's' pretty accurate for all of us.

Our Italian colleagues are working through a couple of delays, but we really hope to be sharing some substantive information very soon. Typically, by the time the team is selected, many aspects of the event have been firmed up, and it's a steady flow of updates. This version is just a little bit different, and we want to prepare you that when info does become available, the floodgates will be open. It will be like drinking from a fire hose.

In the meantime, keep running and work on your love of pizza and pasta!

Don't hesitate to post a question or comment below!

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