
Monday 4 March 2024

Email Notifications for New Posts


 I have to admit to having my fingers crossed as I write this post (which makes typing somewhat difficult).

Following a number of comments coming out of the Blog Survey that we published yesterday, it was obvious that an essential requirement for the success of the Blog was to have the ability to push out notifications when a new post was published.

I've spent some time investigating how to make this happen - and let me tell you that it was very confusing - but I think we've gotten there.

If you look at the Sidebar beside this post, you will (should) see a panel that looks like this:

If you want to be notified by email that a new post has been published, just enter your email address in the panel and click on 'Subscribe'.  If everything goes to plan, you will start to receive emails every time a post is published.

In addition, I am intending to place the logo shown below at the base of the next few posts.  It will be another way of registering for the notifications.

To try and test the process, I am going to publish three or four new posts over the next 2 days - the content is going to be bland - the idea is to check how well it works.

Please get in touch with me by email and tell me whether it works for you.



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