
Thursday 21 March 2024

Logistics Team Nominations


An actual photo of our Logistics Team at Work

Logistics Team Nominations 

Open Monday

Greetings Final Leg Team! I hope this message finds you well! 

For the first time EVER, the Final Leg Planning Committee will be taking nominations for Logistics Team Members for the 2025 Final Leg in Italy.

The information packages regarding the positions will be sent out to all program CEO's, LETR Liaisons, and Torch Run Directors on Monday morning, U.S. time. Programs will be allowed to nominate one person from their program who meet one of the following requirements:
  •  An active LETR member of the program in good standing
  • A Special Olympics employee who performs the duties of an LETR Liaison 
There are many other requirements, including physical requirements, to be eligible. That information is included in the package.

Once the nominations are submitted (by no later than Friday, April 5, 2024), a committee will select the individuals who will be offered an invitation to the 2025 Final Leg as a member of the Logistics Team. The committee will be comprised of the Team Captain, Vice-Chair of the Planning Committee, a route leader and two Logistic Team Leads. 

The decision on those selected will be made within one week from the submission deadline.

We encourage you to assist your programs in identifying individuals you believe will function well in a Final Leg environment. 

Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions.

Psssst, are you running?

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