
Thursday, 21 March 2024

Logistics Team Nominations


An actual photo of our Logistics Team at Work

Logistics Team Nominations 

Open Monday

Greetings Final Leg Team! I hope this message finds you well! 

For the first time EVER, the Final Leg Planning Committee will be taking nominations for Logistics Team Members for the 2025 Final Leg in Italy.

The information packages regarding the positions will be sent out to all program CEO's, LETR Liaisons, and Torch Run Directors on Monday morning, U.S. time. Programs will be allowed to nominate one person from their program who meet one of the following requirements:
  •  An active LETR member of the program in good standing
  • A Special Olympics employee who performs the duties of an LETR Liaison 
There are many other requirements, including physical requirements, to be eligible. That information is included in the package.

Once the nominations are submitted (by no later than Friday, April 5, 2024), a committee will select the individuals who will be offered an invitation to the 2025 Final Leg as a member of the Logistics Team. The committee will be comprised of the Team Captain, Vice-Chair of the Planning Committee, a route leader and two Logistic Team Leads. 

The decision on those selected will be made within one week from the submission deadline.

We encourage you to assist your programs in identifying individuals you believe will function well in a Final Leg environment. 

Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions.

Psssst, are you running?

Monday, 11 March 2024

Update on Post Notifications


We have been utilising the Post Notification service for about a week now and it has become apparent that one of it foibles (weaknesses could be another word) is that there is often a substantial time delay in delivering the notification.

This post was published on the Blog at 8.00am on Tuesday, 12 March - Sydney time which equates to 2.00pm US Pacific, 4.00pm US Central, 5.00pm US Eastern and 9.00pm London time.

As a test of the response times of the service, could you please send me an email ( after you receive the notification for this Post - telling me the time and time zone that the email notification was received.

We will use this information to gauge whether we have to find ways to improve the service.

Please don't be concerned if I don't reply immediately to your emails - I am leaving Sydney today on a 10 day cruise - back on March 22.



Sunday, 10 March 2024

Registration Reminder





Monday, 4 March 2024

What's REALLY Going on?


Greetings Final Leg family! I'm sure all of you are pretty much starved for information regarding our Final Leg, which is now LESS THAN A YEAR AWAY! Holy Cow! Well, that's' pretty accurate for all of us.

Our Italian colleagues are working through a couple of delays, but we really hope to be sharing some substantive information very soon. Typically, by the time the team is selected, many aspects of the event have been firmed up, and it's a steady flow of updates. This version is just a little bit different, and we want to prepare you that when info does become available, the floodgates will be open. It will be like drinking from a fire hose.

In the meantime, keep running and work on your love of pizza and pasta!

Don't hesitate to post a question or comment below!

Email Notifications for New Posts


 I have to admit to having my fingers crossed as I write this post (which makes typing somewhat difficult).

Following a number of comments coming out of the Blog Survey that we published yesterday, it was obvious that an essential requirement for the success of the Blog was to have the ability to push out notifications when a new post was published.

I've spent some time investigating how to make this happen - and let me tell you that it was very confusing - but I think we've gotten there.

If you look at the Sidebar beside this post, you will (should) see a panel that looks like this:

If you want to be notified by email that a new post has been published, just enter your email address in the panel and click on 'Subscribe'.  If everything goes to plan, you will start to receive emails every time a post is published.

In addition, I am intending to place the logo shown below at the base of the next few posts.  It will be another way of registering for the notifications.

To try and test the process, I am going to publish three or four new posts over the next 2 days - the content is going to be bland - the idea is to check how well it works.

Please get in touch with me by email and tell me whether it works for you.



Sunday, 3 March 2024

Blog Survey


The 2025 LETR Final Leg Blog has been up and running for just over three months and now is the time to get a feel for visits and usage of the webpages.

It is important for the Management Team to understand how many Team Members are visiting the Blog and what they think of it.  

For that reason, we have created a very quick form which we'd ask that each of you reading this post complete to give us an idea of how many of you visit the blog, how often you do so and what can be done to improve it.

We'll keep the survey form open till Friday, March 22 and then publish the results - please note that you only have to complete the survey once.

Please click on the image below to complete the survey

