
Saturday 27 January 2024

Have you completed your registration?

 Do we know who you are?

OK Team, we've informed all of you that we are on really, really, really tight deadlines for this Final Leg. Like you, all of us on the management side of the shop have jobs and other commitments, so this Final Leg gig is on top of everything else we do. So, what that means is we truly need your cooperation in completing your registration, such as your biography, a photo you're proud for the world to see, and the other items Mr. Scott Whyte has requested!

Harken back to your days in the police academy when the drill instructor said, "DO IT NOW!" Pretty sure you did it "NOW." We don't want you to think of us as your drill instructors, but please heed our friendly reminder that if you have not completed all of your registration information, "DO IT NOW!"

Thanks team. Truly can't wait to meet y'all. I promise we are going to provide you with a life-changing experience!

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