
Thursday, 30 May 2024

Torch Runner Speeches


Torch Runner Speeches

During each of our ceremony stops on the Final Leg, we will get to hear from an Athlete and a Torch Runner, who will share their LETR and Special Olympics journey with the attendees. 

For our athletes, each of them will have the opportunity to speak multiple times at ceremonies and special events as we traverse Italy. Because we have many more Torch Runners (74), only a handful will have an opportunity to speak.

Now, I know some of you HATE public speaking, but don't worry, we're not going to force anyone to give a speech. BUT I also know there are many of you who would love to share your story with the world - literally!

So, if you are interested in speaking to a crowd while we're in Italy, please inform your Team Leader. As soon as we nail down the number of ceremonies and special events, we'll make selections from those who have expressed interest, allowing as many as possible the chance to speak.

During the ceremonies, we will also hear speeches from a local government official (usually a mayor), and a high-ranking police official. 

At the conclusion of the speeches, there will be a gift exchange. Our athlete will present a very nice, encased medallion to the mayor, and the Torch Runner will provide a small gift to the police official. That small gift can be a shoulder patch from your agency, something representative of your region (a Vermont Torch Runner brought a small bottle of maple syrup), or some other item you think would be appreciated, or a combination of all of the above - it's up to you. It is not supposed to be lavish, so no Tiffany jewelry is necessary (you can save that for the Team Captain - just kidding!). In exchange, the athlete and Torch Runner will receive a small gift from the city officials.

Hope that all makes sense!

Can't wait to see a bunch of you on June 20th!



Wednesday, 29 May 2024

2025 World Games Logos


The Official 2025 World Games Logos

We are very excited to share with you the official logos for the 2025 Special Olympics World Games in Turin, Italy!

The unveiling of the official logo and formal naming convention for the Games now allows us to finalize our Final Leg logo. The 2025 Final Leg Team will have a logo unlike previous Final Leg logos and we'll be very excited to share it with you in the coming weeks. The basic structure of our logo will be the same, but there will be some exciting variations that we believe you will appreciate.

Additionally, we have had a few preliminary conversations with Special Olympics Italia regarding the Final Leg and I am confident by our meeting on June 20th we will have some substantive information to share.

In the meantime, stay safe, stay healthy, and RUN, RUN, RUN!!

Full Team Meeting


Full Final Leg Team Meeting

Hello 2025 Final Leg Team.

On Thursday, June 20, 2024, at 4:30 PM EDT (USA), we will be hosting a full team zoom meeting. This call will include the following individuals:

  • Final Leg Management Team
  • Advance Teams
  • Torch Operators
  • Documentation Team
  • Team Leaders
  • Athlete Torch Runners
  • Law Enforcement Torch Runners
The purpose of the meeting will be to put faces to names and share information about our trip to Italy in March 2025. We will share as much information as we know at the time of the meeting, and answer some of the questions you likely have.

The time of the meeting was selected to accommodate our very international team and allows teammates in Australia and Europe an opportunity to join at a time that's not too outrageous. We realize that not everyone will be able to make the meeting, so it will be recorded and posted for your review at a later time.

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on June 20th (21st for those in Australia).

The link is below:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 945 873 6772


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Meeting ID: 945 873 6772

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