
Thursday, 29 February 2024

Updating your Passport Details



A number of Final Leg Team members (myself included) realised when registering for the 2025 LETR Final Leg that their current passports were due to expire before October 2025 (6 clear months after the event).

Some others did not have a current passport at the time of registration.

We have created a very short and simple form for team members in this situation to supply details of their new Passport.

The form is now available in the REGISTRATION section of the Portal or you can click on the image below 

Please remember to submit your new passport details as soon as you receive it.



Wednesday, 28 February 2024

Final Leg Registration Update - 29 February 2024


The date for Torch Runners to complete their registration, biography and photo submissions is fast approaching.  You need to get this information to us by Friday, March 1.   

As of this morning, we have received the following:
  • Registration forms - 64 out of 65
  • Biographies - 48 out of 65
  • Photos - 40 out of 65
  • Uniforms - 28 out of 65 - not due till March 8
Please get to work on this - we need the information.

If you are unsure what you have submitted, please CLICK HERE to download the Registration Status Board



Monday, 19 February 2024

Final Leg Uniform Requisitions


It's time to order your Final Leg Uniform

The Final Leg Planning Committee has finalised (well almost) the uniform items that team members will be supplied with for Torino.

In summary, each of you will receive a uniform kit including the following items:

Heavy Duty Winter Jacket
Waterproof Overpants
Softshell Jacket
Running Pants
Long Sleeved Running Shirts
Thermal Underwear
Half Zip Fleece Top
Sleeveless Fleece Vest
Baseball Cap
Duffel Bag

to download the Final Leg Team uniform Information Package

Please note that the items shown in the Information Package are illustrative and the final items may be different to what is shown here

A copy of the Package is also available on the Final Leg Team Portal


You now need to fill in one more form - to provide your sizing information so that the uniform kits can be ordered.  It is essential that you do so promptly - no later than Friday, March 8.

You can access the Uniform Requisition Form from the Final Leg Team Portal or by clicking on the link shown below:

to complete the Uniform Requisition Form

Please remember to read through the Information Package before you commence the Requisition Form - it contains sizing charts that will be of assistance to you.

Don't hesitate to email me if you have any issues with this process


Saturday, 17 February 2024

Registration Update - February 18


The first deadline (February 16) for Torch Runners to complete their registration has now passed and I am pleased to report that 61 of the 65 Torch Runners have submitted the registration form.  I am not going to name and shame the four who have not done so, but will be sending them a reminder by email today.

You have until March 1 to complete your Biography and submit your Photo.  As of today, 49 of you have submitted your Bio and 35 have submitted your photo.  

Thank you for your attentiveness.

The next phase will involve you completing your Uniform Requisition.  Expect to see a blog post in a day or so with information about this process.

Thanks again


Torch Runner Selection Criteria


The Final Leg Torch Runner Nomination Package which was supplied to all Torch Run Directors, SO Program CEOs and LETR Liaisions contained a section which detailed the essential criteria for selection of Torch Runners.

It was presumed (by me) that all selected Torch Runners would have been supplied with a copy of this document - but apparently not.

So for the sake of completeness, the essential criteria section is shown below:

  • Only one Torch Runner per established Torch Run Program is eligible to be selected for the Final Leg
  • The Torch Runner must be ready, willing and able to:
    • represent their Torch Run Program in a very positive manner
    • proudly represent law enforcement and the Torch Run as a symbol of their deep commitment to the athletes of Special Olympics
    • help fulfil the mission of the Final Leg - to create awareness and excitement for the World Winter Games and Special Olympics
  • The Torch Runner must possess a passport for travel to Italy preferably valid for 6 months beyond the last day of intended travel (valid through to the end of September 2025) - although citizens of some countries may only require 3 months validity
  • The Torch Runner must possess the ability to function as part of a team.  The Torch Runner is expected to establish and maintain a high level of cooperation with all other team members and supporters
  • The Torch Runner must have a working email address and be responsive to email communications.  Email and a dedicated blog site will be the primary methods to provide updated event information.
  • The Torch Runner must be able to maintain a pace of 10 minutes per mile for up to two miles (6 minutes per kilometre for up to 3.2 km) and have the ability to run multiple intervals (Torch Runs) totalling in excess of 6 miles  - 10 km during the course of a day
  • The Torch Runner must possess the stamina to tolerate long days consisting of travel, running and special event functions
  • The Torch Runner should be able to tolerate cold weather that is common in regions of Italy at this time of year
  • The Torch Runner may be required to speak in front of groups at various functions and ceremonies
  • If an athlete runner is selected from the Torch Runner's program, the Torch Runner must agree to accompanying the athlete on the journey to and from Italy
  • The Torch Runner must be prepared to abide with all COVID-19 protocols / requirements that may be in place for the Final leg event and 2025 World Winter Games

If any Torch Runners have issues with the selection criteria, they should contact Mark McCorkle as soon as possible to discuss.

Wednesday, 7 February 2024

Travel Partners?


Greetings Torch Runners! We now have a full team, with 65 Torch Runners from programs all over the globe! Our Athlete Selection Committee is hard at work dialing in our athlete Torch Runners, which we'll have in place by February 26th.

OK, one of the most often asked questions from Torch Runners is, "can my spouse/significant other/family member travel on the Final Leg?" The short answer is no. Not a little "no," but a giant "NO!" 

Here is why: First, the Final Leg is not a vacation. You are on a very specific mission, representing your agency, your LETR program, and your Special Olympics program. You will rise very early in the morning and get back to the hotel very late at night. You will find there is very little down time. You will be exhausted by the end of every day, and having time to decompress with your teammates is valuable. Frankly, having someone else along for the ride would be a big distraction and unfair to them. 

You will also find that the time you get to spend with your teammates is unbelievably impactful. You will gain resources and friendships you will have for life. There are a number of individuals from the Final Legs I have been a part of that I still speak with on a very regular basis.

With all that said, here are my recommendations: have your travel partner fly in a day or two before the completion of the Final Leg. If we are able to host a signature fundraising event, they may be able to be in attendance. We are also hoping we can secure tickets to the Opening Ceremonies for friends and family. On the morning you are released from your Final Leg duties, you may join your travel partner and enjoy the beautiful country. As soon as the details for our trip firm up, we will share them with you so you may plan accordingly. 

I know this may not be the answer some of you were hoping to hear, but I promise you, once you get on the ground in Italy and interact with your team, you will completely understand why we must say no.

As always, do not hesitate to hit the comment button below with any questions, or shoot me an email.


Saturday, 3 February 2024

Team Nearing Completion



Turin, Italy in winter

As this message is being typed, our Final Leg team sits at 64 runners representing every corner of the globe. We are hoping to add one more to our group, which would give us a solid 65. Coupled with our athletes, Italian police officers, and our Logistics Team, it looks like our team will be comprised of about 103 dedicated members.

The next process for us to complete is the selection of our athlete runners. Each Special Olympics program in the world that has an active LETR component can nominate an athlete to be on the Final Leg team. That nomination includes a very detailed application, which provides assurances that the nominated athlete can endure very long days and nights, with a considerable amount of traveling. 

Once the applications are received a committee of five people, that includes the Team Captain, two route leaders, a Team Leader, and an LETR Liaison go through the very difficult process of selecting the runners. We hope to have that process complete in the next two-and-one-half weeks.

The one athlete we know will be with us in Italy is Dustin Edmonson of North
Carolina (pictured below). Dustin is the athlete representative to the Final Leg Planning Committee. He is a Final Leg veteran, having participated in the 2023 Final Leg in Berlin. He is an extraordinary individual, who also serves on the LETR International Executive Council. You will absolutely love Dustin.

You will never see this smile disappear from Dustin's face!

One of our next steps for you will be to collect uniform sizing. I can't say this strongly enough; please monitor your email and this blog for that information. It is IMPERATIVE that we receive your responses immediately. As you are aware, we are way behind the curve in planning, so your cooperation is critical to our success!

A question for you: did you run today?

See you all soon!