
Saturday, 8 March 2025



As the end of the 2025 LETR Final Leg event approaches, it is time for all of you to collect your thoughts and provide some feedback to the Final Leg Planning Committee about how the event went for you.

The survey form which can be accessed by clicking on the link below will take around 15 minutes to complete.  

The responses will be collated and used to inform and advise the Final Leg Planning Committee as they move forward to the next event in 2027.  

We will also publish the results in a few weeks time on the Blog so you can see what the general feeling  was about the event.

There are opportunities for you to comment on a variety of aspects of the event - don't be shy - please let us know what you really thought.



Friday, 28 February 2025

Updates to Final Leg Schedule


There have been a number of changes to the Final Leg Schedule.  These changes include the following:

  • Removing the visit to the Skyscraper on Saturday, March 1
  • Moving the visit to see Juventus play from Sunday, March 2 to Monday, March 3
  • Moving the Pragelato Torch Run from Monday, March 3 to Saturday, March 1
  • A number of minor time changes on different days.

The Daily Run Schedule document has been updated to reflect these changes and is available from the Team Portal or by clicking on the link below:


Hope this assists


Thursday, 27 February 2025

Fundraising Update #8


Update #8

Congratulations Final Leg Team. We have reached our ORIGINAL fundraising goal. Everyone has done such a good job raising funds and we haven't even started The Final Leg yet.  If our potential donors know that we reached our goal they are less likely to donate.  We anticipate additional funds will come in so we are increasing our Team's goal.  So, our new goal is $350,000. This would be a very impressive amount that we raised for Special Olympics so lets see if we can do it. Current standings are below.

As I mentioned before, a really great way to raise some last minute funds is to post pictures, videos and stories from your first few days of your Final Leg experience. As an example, I posted on my Facebook page while I was on the bus on the way to the Athens Airport. I included the below paragraph at the bottom of the post and I have had 6 people donate since then. One of the donors I haven't talked to in over 10 years.

Thanks to my family and friends for donating to my effort to raise money for Special Olympics. I am just shy of my goal so if anyone else wants to donate here is the link.

Team Standings

Team 1  $46,377

Team 4  $41,992

Team 3  $41,119

Team 6  $35,709

Team 5  $33,796

Team 8  $28,140

Team 2  $15,540

Team 7  $11,116 

Highest $ Raised by Individual

Jason Flanery $19,188

Robbi Peterson  $15,872

Casson Burgen $14,442

Brandon Long $12,719

Heather Mah $12,581

Chuck Adams $12,140



Thursday, 20 February 2025

Fundraising Update #7


Update #7

Greetings Team. Our team is excelling in our "final push" to meet our goal. If everyone keeps at it we will make the amazing $300,000 goal soon. We are adding a last minute incentive for some of the top fundraisers. If you raise at least $20,000 you can pick between an additional Torch or Miner's Lamp. 

Great job everyone and take a look at the incredibly cool Torch we will be carrying. Just a reminder to post pictures from your first few days in Greece and/or Italy for people at home and remind them of your fundraising site. I will see everyone soon.

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Fundraising Update #6


Update #6

Greetings Team. I was on the entire call yesterday but due to an iPhone glitch my microphone would not work. I was going to reiterate what Mark said about the fantastic job everyone has done in the fundraising department. It is really satisfying watching the total increase everyday and knowing the impact these funds will have on Special Olympic programs. We started off slow but lately it has been full steam ahead.

I request that we all do one final push so we can reach our team goal and everyone who wants to bring a torch home can do that. The fundraising site will be open for awhile so we all should be still seeking donations. A great way to get some last minute dollars is to post pictures of your first few days in Greece or Italy for people back home to see and asking for their help in reaching your personal goal. 

The Logistics Team will be providing a towel to everyone at the Polar Plunge. We have rented these towels from the hotel for a very good price so we have to make sure we get every single towel back. We do not want to mix these towels up with your room towels. There will be more guidance on this before the event. 

Below are the current club members. As always, please let me know if you have any questions and I will see everyone soon. Thanks.

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Final Leg Photo Gallery access


The Documentation Team will, over the course of the Final Leg, take hundreds and hundreds of photos as well as video material.  Those images and videos will be uploaded by the team to a Special Olympics photo gallery site (Photoshelter).  

The uploads will be done progressively throughout the event and be available for viewing by you and your friends and family.

The photocard shown above has a QR Code that when scanned will take the user directly to the photo gallery.

Click on the photocard shown at the top of this post to download the image and place it on your phone or tablet (saved in Photos or as part of your Camera Roll).  One of the advantages of having this is that you can then share the link easily with family, friends and people that you meet during the event.

Hope this is useful



Monday, 17 February 2025

Release of the 2025 Final Leg Team Guide



I am pleased to advise that the LETR Final Leg Team Guide has been compiled and is available for download.  This document is recommended reading for all team members.

The Team Guide is divided into the following sections:
  • Introduction
    • Welcome to the event
    • Arriving in Turin
  • Team Info  
    • Team Lists (Numeric and Alphabetical)
    • Team Contact List
    • Team Statistics
  • Accommodation
    • Room Allocations
    • Pairings
  • Schedules
    • Schedule Overview
    • Daily Run Schedule
    • Daily Map Routes (where we are going and how we get there)
    • Cadences - the songs you sing
  • Turin Arrivals (Alphabetical and Date and Time)
  • Turin Departures (Alphabetical and Date and Time)
All of the documents are available in the Final Leg Portal where they can also be downloaded.  Please note that the document is 69 pages in length and almost 6mb in size.  You should consider downloading the document prior to your departure for Italy and placing it on your phone or tablet.

There are two options available to download the Team Guide:
  1.  Click on the Team Guide Cover Image at the top of this blog post.
  2. Go to the Final Leg Team Portal - you'll find the same image at the top of the page.

There is little doubt that I would have forgotten to include something - if this is the case, please let me know - but you've only got a few days before I depart.

Enjoy the read
